200 Allison Blvd. Corbin, KY 40701

112 Hardin Lane Somerset, KY 42501




Home > Hearing Loss

Hearing Loss

You're Not Alone

Do you think you have hearing loss? You’re not alone. In fact, about one in three people between the ages of 65 and 74 has hearing loss, and nearly half of those older than 75 has difficulty hearing.

There are many causes for hearing loss. It can happen gradually over time as the tiny hair like cells in the inner ear deteriorate, can be caused by an accident or trauma, or frequent exposure to loud noises. It’s important to note, untreated hearing loss can lead to depression, can impact cognitive abilities, and the degree of hearing loss can worsen over time.

Recognizing the Signs Early

Common Signs of Hearing Loss

Have trouble hearing over the telephone

Find it hard to follow conversations when two or more people are talking

Often ask people to repeat what they are saying

Need to turn up the TV volume so loud that others complain

Have a problem hearing because of background noise

Think that others seem to mumble

Can’t understand when women and children speak to you

Hearing Loss in Children

Early Detection Is Key to Better Hearing

Hearing loss in children is incredibly prevalent. As with adults, hearing loss in children is measured in degrees. Children can experience mild to profound hearing loss, all of which should be managed with hearing aids or cochlear implants. It is crucial to treat any hearing loss your child may have in order to prevent any problems with speech development. Our audiologists specialize in pediatric hearing care and can help your child hear their best.

If you recognize any of these symptoms do not hesitate to contact our office to schedule an appointment.


• Failed newborn hearing screening in one or both ears
• They do not startle to loud sounds
• They begin to babble but then stop
• They do not respond to their name by 1 year old

Toddlers and Older:

• They sit close to the TV with the volume turned up loud
• They have difficulty at school
• They often ask family members to repeat themselves

Our Hearing Technology Partners

Real Stories, Real Impact

What Our Patients Are Saying

At Southeast Kentucky Audiology, our greatest achievement is helping patients reconnect with the world through better hearing and balance. Here’s what some of our patients have to say about their journey with us.

Schedule An Appointment

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Phone - 606.528.9993
Text - 606.517.5757
Fax - 606-528-5553 info@sekyaudiology.com

200 Allison Blvd.
Corbin, KY 40701

112 Hardin Lane
Somerset, KY 42501


Mon-Weds: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Thurs: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM

Open Select Fridays in Both Office Locations